Get your skin lumps remove with Amazing result.
We can remove all kinds of skin lumps, benign or cancerous. Simple lumps can be remove in the office. More complex lumps can be done in Hospital.

What is a sebaceous cyst?
A cyst usually is a slow-growing lump in hair bearing skin. The term “sebaceous cyst” refers to either an epidermoid cyst, which originates from the skin, or a pilar cyst, which comes from hair follicles.
These cysts are closed sacs that can be found under the skin of the entire body (except the palms of the hands and soles of the feet). They can fluctuate ins size if the puncture allows drainage of white cheesy materials. A foul odor may be noticed from the overlying skin if it is infected.
What causes sebaceous cysts?
Sebaceous cysts may be caused by blocked glands or swollen hair follicles in the skin. Trauma to skin has been reported, as well. Cysts sometimes are inherited.
What are the symptoms of sebaceous cysts?
The main symptom of a sebaceous cyst is a small lump under the skin. The lump is usually not painful. However, it can be painful if it is red, inflamed and infected. Drainage from the cyst will appear grayish-white and cheese-like, and will have a foul smell.
How are sebaceous cysts diagnosed?
Usually, a doctor can diagnose sebaceous cysts with a simple examination of the skin. It is usually a raised lump with a punctum.
How are sebaceous cysts treated?
In most cases, sebaceous cysts can be ignored, as they usually are not dangerous. However, it is best to have it remove early or while it is still small. Larger cysts require larger incision to remove.
If the cyst becomes infection, a doctor may drain a cyst that is large, tender, or inflamed. Larger cysts may need to be removed if they cause hair loss on the scalp or interfere with clothing.
Most lesions can be removed on the same day under local anaesthetic. The cost is usually $150 to $250 out of pocket with medicare.
More bigger and complex lesion can be remove in Hospital. A different fee will apply.
We also offer laser treatment to reduce scaring after surgery
or call us: 02 92213919
Keyhole surgery Centre
Dr Clement Tsang
Level 8, 187 Macquarie st Sydney 2000
Level 2, 31 Dora st Hurstville 2220